[Scouts/Venturers/Rovers] Ski Camp 2017

Here is the booklet containing all the information about this year’s Ski Camp. Ski Camp Booklet 2017 Please read the booklet careful so you don’t miss any important information, various details will be different to last year. Please note that Scouts and Venturers must wear a helmet when skiing. Parents and siblings are welcome to

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[Group] Anzac Parade

Here is the information for the Bentleigh RSL ANZAC Parade. The Bentleigh RSL has recently made a significant financial contribution to our group so we’d like to return the support with a great turn out to the ANZAC Parade. When: 10am till 11:30am Sunday 23rd April, 2017 Where: Hodgson Reserve precinct immediately behind the Bentleigh RSL All Scouting members need

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