Here are some frequently asked questions if you’re looking for answers: (we keep this page updated regularly as questions come in)

How many adults can travel with a Patrol?

Scouts – none

Cubs – One Adult leader or registered Parent Helper

Note: carers are very welcome to travel with Patrols as needed.

Can we amended the Patrol details once submitted?

Minor amendments can be made by emailing us prior to race day, Patrol names cannot within 1 week of race day. All phone numbers will be confirmed at registration on race day.

What do I need to complete the registration?

Refer here: https://www.moorabbinscoutgroup.net/tfr/register/

What are the arrangements for Friday night accommodation for country Patrols?

Accommodation is generally at a Scout hall on the Friday night, it’s in Bentleigh East, about 10-15mins drive from the start location. Depending on numbers we might overflow into another hall but we have plenty of space. We’ll provide some snacks for Friday night and breakfast on Saturday morning. There is no extra costs for this.

Do Adult Leaders need to attend?

Leaders are needed to help run activity bases and support the overnight and Sunday activity. At least one leader from each group should stay overnight and stay for the Sunday activity.

What can we do if we don’t have 4 in the Patrol?

We can help you join up with another group to make up the numbers, let us know if you need help with this. If someone drops out last minute we can also make it work on race day if you drop below 4.

What is the refund policy?

Full refunds are available 2 weeks prior to race day, 50% up to 48 hours before the race start and no refund within 48 hours of the start. Consideration will be given for refunds outside the above if exceptional circumstances apply.

Can Patrol members arrive late, leave early or be absent for part of the day?

We can happily accommodate this and have done so in the past with ease. We can provide more details closer to the race but the parent picking them up and dropping them back can contact us on the day and we can provide them with details of where the Patrol is so they can do the pick up and drop off without holding up the Patrol. The Patrol will need to have a min. of 5 people in it to ensure there is still 4 people when the one person leaves.

Do you have any racing winning tips?

The winning Patrol is the Patrol with the most points, points are achieved by completing activities. The more activities you complete, the more points you get. Only 1-2 Patrols each year typically complete the race and these are generally the Patrols that finish in the top 5. The quicker you travel the more activities you can do and the more points you can achieve.

What information do we receive on the race day?

On the day, Patrols will receive a final copy of the Patrol Leaders Guidelines. Leaders also get a race day info sheet. Copy of these are emailed out just prior to the race as well.

Do you have any tips for navigating around and using public transport?

Yep, here is our handy guide – TFR2023_Public Transport

There is also a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iRKYR3lZrU

Do adult leaders need to bring a tent?

We have limited bunk accommodation and overflow in a hall, bring a stretcher as a back up if you don’t get a bunk. If you like your own space, you are welcome to bring a tent.

Will there be anywhere to buy snacks at the overnight location?

We will have a canteen selling drinks and snacks on Saturday night, it will be open after dinner. The canteen will accept cash and card payments.